Hi, My name is Amy. I'm a neurodivergent momma to 3 beautiful babies, 3 cats, and snake and a spider. I am mystic, an oracle, a dog groomer in training and of course an artist/small business owner. I Initially started this shop to sell crystals and have expanded it to include my art. I started sculpting in 2020 as a way to cope with the pandemic and continued to do it as a side hobby. I decided that as much as I love sourcing and selling beautiful high frequency crystals(and I still do), I also had a desire to put my art into the world. I personally love anything that can bring magic into my life so I love creating art with that intention to help others bring more magic into their lives too.

As of right now, My pieces are inspired by nature, enchanted landscapes, and mystical realms. Some pieces I create because I love it and some are create with intention, energy work and magic in order to act as a talisman for the wearer. My art is designed for all the faeries, witches and magickal human beings of this earth.

Since then, as I continue to grow on my journey, Ive become painfully and beautifully aware that I desire to do more than just sell crystals, jewelry and art. I want to share my heart and soul with others, and I have found peace doing that by sharing my intuitive abilities and connection to spirit to help bring guidance and inspiration to other like minded souls. 

My little shop, crystal faeries nook has become a little magickal palace filled with bits and pieces of everything that brings me joy. I hope that that joy is extended to all of you.

I feel so grateful and honored, that you are here right now checking out my page. I know that we crossed paths in this beautiful mystical universe for a reason. Even if you do not like or cannot support my art for whatever reason, I hope we can be friends and still support one another as human beings sharing this planet. With much love and appreciation. Thank you for being here <3